Jason Brenner will be installed as the 101st President of Hazleton Rotary, 2021-2022 at the Hazleton Rotary’s President’s Triple Celebration to be held at Sand Springs on June 30. 2021, 6:00pm. The event will also be a Presidency Farewell for Donna Barna, 2020-2021 President and Alan Whitaker, 2019-2020 President.
Jason has been a member of Hazleton Rotary for 7 years and was sponsored for membership by his father, Paul Brenner.
Jason currently serves as President–Elect of the Board of Directors. He has actively assisted with many service projects and served as Chair of the Night at the Races in 2016, 2017 and 2018. He is also a Paul Harris Fellow.
Mr. Brenner is Vice President at Brenner Recycling, a 4th generation recycling business in Hazleton. He is an U.S. Air Force veteran, serving more than eight years on active duty as an engineer and project manager at several bases and achieving the rank of Captain.
He earned a Bachelor of Science degree, Mechanical Engineering, from Ohio State University and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Oklahoma. He resides in Sugarloaf with his wife Christina.
He is honored to be continuing a family legacy by accepting the position of President of Hazleton Rotary. His father, Paul Brenner, was President of the club in 2003-2004.
Other officers and Board members will be President Elect-Lisa Marie Halecky, Secretary-Lani Drobnock, Treasurer-Pat Owens, Sergeant-at-Arms-Pat Ward, and 1st Immediate Past President-Donna Barna. Members of the Board will be Stephen Seach, Cal Herring, Mark Ondishin, Toni Christman, Mary Pat Stroia, Michele Kushmeder and Michele Ustynoski.