The Hazleton Rotary Club and Rotary District 7410 are again sponsoring an essay contest with a cash prize. Please share the contest information with any students you know who are juniors or seniors in high school.

- This year’s theme is: Rotary’s Four Way Test, which guides all Rotary projects, includes this question: “Is it fair to all concerned?” It asks, “that we use empathy to see other points of view, in the context of problems to be solved.” How can we use teamwork, inclusion, empathy, acceptance, belonging, and accountability to solve problems, or achieve the goals we set?”
- Essays are submitted individually by the student via email to Kim McNulty, Hazleton Rotary Essay Contest Chair, at no later thanFriday, February 21, 2025.
- Essays are reviewed locally by a Committee and a local winner is selected. The local essay winner will receive a prize of $100 and will be invited to a Hazleton Rotary Club meeting in the spring to read his/her winning essay to the Club’s members.
- The local winner’s essay will be submitted to Rotary District 7410 to compete at the District level against local winners from all over Northeastern Pennsylvania.
- District readers will evaluate all local winner essays and the top three in the District will be awarded prizes of $1,000 (first place), $500 (second place), and $250 (third place).