Kathie Oh, Rotary President; Kim McNulty, Rotary Project Chairperson; Paul Oswald, Director of Support Services, Boy Scouts of America-Minsi Trails Council; Edward Schaefer, Anthracite District Executive, Boy Scouts of America-Minsi Trails Council; Lisa Finkelstein, Senior Development Director, Boy Scouts of America-Minsi Trails Council and Alan Whitaker, Rotary President Elect
A Hazleton Rotary Club “Service Above Self” community grant of $2,500 has been allocated to Minsi Trails Council, Boy Scouts of America
The funds are to be used to support Scoutreach at Maple Manor Elementary Middle School, Hazleton.
This Scoutreach Cub Scout Pack would provide the character and leadership development benefits of scouting to economically disadvantaged at-risk young people, boys and girls, in grades 2 through 5 at Maple Manor EMS. Meetings will be held immediately after school, at the school, to eliminate transportation concerns.
Youth are provided with registration in Boy Scouts of America, Scout uniforms, handbooks, meeting program supplies, camp scholarships, trip and activity costs and other supplies/materials needed to support and sustain a quality program. In addition to weekly Scout meetings and activities, youth in this pack will have the chance to attend a local Day Camp and/or summer resident camp.
“We are very thankful to the Hazleton Rotary Club for selecting our program as one of the grants recipients. I know how hard Rotary Club members work to earn the money to fund such grants and programs. Who knows, when some of these Scouts grow up maybe they will become members of the Rotary Club and reach out to help other Greater Hazleton Area children in the future. That would be more than awesome!” comments Ms. Finkelstein. For more information on this program, contact Lisa at lisa.finkelstein@scouting.org
“The Rotary Club liked the element of “after school, in the school” that is part of this project.” says Ms. McNulty. “By holding the meetings after school, families don’t have to worry about transportation and they know their children are involved in a program that provides learning and friends, all the good things Scouting represents. They know that on Scouting Day, their children are in a safe place.